Wednesday 30 October 2013

Spider man 3 pc cheat

Spider-Man 3

Defeating Michael:
When you are trying to open the boarded up windows, if you are far away from him he
will do a long jump towards you. Then it takes him a few seconds to recover to attack.
Before he jumps, do not stand in the yellow circles. Instead, stand next to the wall
opposite the windows. He will now jump to there, recover, etc. while he is recovering,
pull down the boards. When he jumps into the light, attack him. Keep doing this until
his and his wife's life runs out to complete the level.
Token collection:
While swinging through the city you might hear a chime. This indicates that you are
close to a token.
Web swinging upgrades:
You can earn upgrades for this ability by using it a lot.
Defeating Venom:
Before this battle, go to the upgrade menu and make sure you have the melee attack
volley. Then, fight. Depending on your health level, you may or may not want to use
the power up. At the moment, you can easily jump over Venom, confuse him, and chip
away at his health. Keep doing this until his black suit begins to "glow". Now when
you jump over him he will run away. This is a good opportunity to use your new
attack and chip at him, occasionally giving some hits. Keep hitting him until his
"glow" gets bigger and eventually Harry will tell you to knock Venom into the air.
He'll fall back to the ground same as before, easily confused. Repeat this cycle
until his health is really low and you can finish him off.
Easy kills:
To easily defeat enemies jump then keep tapping both [Attack] keys.
Rival gang reward:
Choose any of the gang patrol missions (Apocalypse, Dragon Tails, H-Bombers, Waste
Tribe) and defeat all of their marked territories that match their logos to earn 3
experience points.
Random gang:
When you go to a crime area controlled by the police, you will be assigned a task
involving a random gang. On completion of the tasks the effectiveness of the police
will be increased (as seen by the rings around the police symbol on the map). The
more rings you have, the harder it is for gangs to take control of police-controlled
areas and the more likely it is for the police to take over gang controlled areas.
Completion bonuses:
Successfully complete the game as Spider-Man to unlock Symbiote Spider-Man's story
mode. Collect all 50 Black Spider Tokens to get the black Spider-Man suit to wear
whenever desired for as long as you want. Collect 100 Meteorite Pieces to play as
Defeating Michael Morbius:
When you are trying to open the boarded up windows, if you are far away from him
he will do a long jump towards you. Then it takes him a few seconds to recover to
attack. Before he jumps, do not stand in the yellow circles. Instead, stand next
to the wall opposite the windows. He will now jump to there, recover, etc. While
he is recovering, pull down the boards. When he jumps into the light, attack him.
Keep doing this until his and his wife's life runs out to complete the level.
He will fly around, etc. When he lines up, use the Spider-Wall to damage him and
he will land. Attack him and repeat this strategy.
Defeating Shriek:
In your final encounter with Shriek, she temporarily takes away your Black suit,
and figures from your imagination attack you (your loved ones). You can kill them
with one hit, but it is pointless. Wait until the Black suit recharges, then
switch over, revealing your true enemies. Attack Shriek until she changes you
back to the old Spider-Man. Repeat the previous steps and she will collapse.
Defeating Michael Morbius and Shriek:
Wait until Michael is about to rush you, then open the window. He will be
temporarily weakened. Beat him up. Shriek will heal him, losing some of her health.
Repeat this until he dies, and she flees the scene.
Defeating Sandman:
In your first encounter with Sandman, do not try to attack him, just stay close to
him. Counter-attack him several times on different levels to finally battle him.
Unfortunately, you must use the Black suit to damage him. Just hit him around until
you are prompted to give him a bath. Keep doing this cycle until you defeat him.
Easy gang eradication:
Immediately after you defeat The Sandman for the first time in the "Mary Jane's
Favorite Band" mission and before you "Meet Mary Jane At The Restaurant", you
cannot take off the Black suit. During this time period, which does not end
until you start the next mission, you can wear the Black suit without any damage
being done to you. Use this time to clear the city of all gang activity.
This may take awhile, but it is easier with the Black suit.
Meteorite collection:
As Black costume Spider-Man, you can find the meteorite fragments (small rock-like
objects surrounded by a purple/pink glow) by listening for a pulsating sound.
The louder it gets, the closer you are.
Travel faster:
Because you cannot swing freely without the Spidey targets, you can zip. First, zip
as far from the building as possible then quickly turn to another building before
you reach the first one. Keep doing this so you can travel faster.
Easy health:
When you find a ambulance, it should be on top of the truck. Otherwise, try to complete
one of the story mode missions.
Back to morning:
When it is dark, do the City Alert one time.
Construction site:
After you have completed the Final Showdown mission, swing somewhere far then go on the
map and look for the Financial District. Go there. Go to the left until you see a glass
building. That is the construction site after it was broken.
Note: You will see the little square that you was fighting in with Venom and Sandman.


While playing the game spiderman 3, press escape and the pause menu appers, type the

cheat "symbiotespider" and then you unlock the black suited spiderman.

How to get at the maximum hight:

This is a fantistic hint. While fighting with dragon tale or robots jump as high as

you can and then while in air pull your enemy using 'E' and 'S' when it is near jump

on it and again pull it with your web and jump on it you must do this quickly as

possible repeat this until you reach above the high buildings.

Defeating Kingpin - King Pin must pay:

When dueling first time with Kingpin, full your combo meter by giving kingpin power attacks.

Also counter attack him several times. Try to dodge his every attack. When ur combo meter

gets glows, come in rage mode and give him 'Web ball Frenzy'.And in remaining time of rage

mode, give him 'Dark Puppet Master' i.e. Air super attack. This will damage him a lot.

Don't give him any other super attack as it doesn't damage him. Another way to full your

combo meter is to give web hail frenzy i.e. giving web ball frenzy from air.

Do this trick at the next fight with kingpin and you'll surely defeat him.


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