Wednesday 30 October 2013

Hitman Absolution pc game cheat

Ice cream truck assassination

In the "End Of The Road - The Desert" mission, when Agent 47 must kill his target in the arid desert, there is an alternate way to kill him. Instead of shooting him, walk toward the five vultures nearby to scare them off. They will then be near or on the rusty old car and the fallen dead tree, as well as one right beside the grave. All five birds should then fly into the sky and circle the area. Grab the sniper rifle from Agent 47's car trunk, and shoot the three vultures in the sky to your right (from the car, looking toward the grave), then shoot the next bird slightly to the left (about the center of the screen), and finally shoot the last bird on the left. If done correctly, the target will slowly walk to a certain spot, and an ice cream truck will speed by, hitting and killing the target.

Chipmunk costume

In the "Hunter And Hunted" mission, look for a man waiting in a dead-end alley. Knock the guy out, and put his body in the dumpster to find a chipmunk mascot costume on the ground that can be used as a disguise.

Doggy Style Easter Egg

Load the "Shaving Lenny - Streets Of Hope" mission. When the mission begins, eliminate the first two targets, then go back to the door that is locked. Unlock the door to enter a new area. At the start of the new area, go right, and walk straight until you see a dog cage. Look in the dog cage to see two dogs humping.

Double Rainbow Easter Egg

Load the "Absolution - The Crematorium" mission. Destroy all the angel statues in the cemetery to have another rainbow appear in the sky, creating a double rainbow. This is a reference to the Double Rainbow viral YouTube video.

Kane and Lynch Easter Eggs

In the "Welcome To Hope" mission, you will get the "Get To The Bartender" objective early in the mission. You can find Kane at the bar, standing in front of the Jukebox and smoking. If you shoot him, he will pull out a submachine gun. Kane is a reference to the two Kane & Lynch games developed by Io Interactive. The following dialogue can also be heard between the bartender and Kane:
Bartender: Hey boy, something I can help you with?
Kane: Just waiting for my associate. He's back in town buying equipment.
Bartender: Is that so? Well, what kind of equipment would that be?
Kane: Just equipment. Business equipment.
Bartender: I see, big businessman. Well you just watch yourself now 'cos we don't care much for strangers out here.
Kane: I'm not looking for trouble.
In the "Birdie's Gift" mission, you can find Lynch at the shooting range during the "Get The Silverballers!" objective, which takes Agent 47 to a gun store. The following dialogue can also be heard between a worker at the shooting range and Lynch:
Lynch: Stop staring at me, you twisted little fairy! Goddamn little fairies. Imps. Trolls. [Lynch shoots lawn gnomes set up to the right of the range.]
Worker: Hey! Hey, hey, hey — Hey! Listen to me. What did I tell you about my gnomes? You just stop it, ok? Or I'll kick your crazy ass outta here! And I'll do it! You just watch.
Lynch: I'd like to see you f***ing try. F***ing midgets ain't what you think! Staring at me... rolling around those little eye sockets. What am I gonna... Twinkly little eyes... f***in'...
Worker: Well if you don't like the gnomes, you can take your business elsewhere. Now I am serious. You just keep shooting my gnomes and we got troubles, you and I. You understand?
Lynch: Yeah, yeah... whatever, you f***ing asshole. F***ing gnome f***er. F***ing troll f***er. You... ah you f***er.
Later in the game, when you visit the Courthouse, look at the cells underneath. You can see Kane writing a letter to his daughter through one of the vents.

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